Why Institutions Matter? Courseware on Institutions in the Middle Ages





Gadi Algazi, University of Tel Aviv: What is an “institution” for the historian of the Mediterranean?

Michel Kaplan, Université Paris 1 – Panthèon- Sorbonne: How does the institutionalizaton of the monastic power take place in Byzantium?

John Hudson, University of St. Andrews: How would you define an institution for an historian of the 12th Century law?

Emanuele Conte, Università Roma Tre: How would you define an institution for an historian of the 12th Century law?

Emanuele Conte and John Hudson: A new relationship between legal codes and justice in the 12th century.

Alessandro Carocci, Università Roma Tor Vergata: What role did institutions play for social mobility?

Therese Martin, IH-CCHS-CSIC: How institutions are preserved and expressed via the medium of public building?

Steve White, Emory College of Arts and Sciences: What are the norms of conflict resolution in the Middle Ages?

Eduardo Manzano, IH-CCHS-CSIC: Can we compare Islamic and Christian institutions?